Release notes for DigiTrainsPro versions:
Version 7.51 (Android, Windows10, iOS) (2025.01.10)
Improved performance
Renewed locomotive and equipment list
- Bulk deletion option
- Enhanced filtering options
- New locomotive fuction sound
- Windows 24H2 DigiProgrammer communication fixes
- JMRI accessory change bug fix
Version 5.72 (iOS)
Bug fix: Profile export was not working on some iOS devies – fixed
Bug fix: Alertness indicator was not working on some iOS devices – fixed
Version 5.6 (Android, Windows10, iOS)
- New accessory type: DigiSignal multi-light indicator. With the 4 + 1 indicator, the call sign can be set to red + flashing white.
- Dependency – commands are sent only if the status of the given signal changes compared to the one stored in the program
- Safety equipment warning logic in Dispatcher game:
-It is not possible to set a route to a busy section
-Route crossing an active route cannot be set
-Signal set: if there is a route for which a given singal is the start signal, all turnouts on the track must be in good direction, otherwise no signal may be given
-Individual turnout set is disabled when the security logic is enabled - When editing a dependency, if you check the box, the status of the accessory has also changed – fixed
- When editing a route, if you check the box, the status of the accessory has also changed – fixed
- Bug fix: Pressing an emergency stop sometimes causes the system to jump between the emergency stop and normal operation statuses. Only a command station restart solved it. Fixed to not get into this state
- Bug fix: Accessories did not always change in dependency logic – fixed
- Bug fix: Dispatcher game: KO doesn’t always changed signals to red – fixed. If a signal is red according to the program, app do not send the red command to that signal
Version 5.3 (Android, Windows10, iOS)
- New train sounds: wagon coupling, wagon disconnection
- Categorize and filter accessories (default, turnout, signal, other)
- Tablet view support also on lower resolution tablets
- Force tablet view on lower resolution tablets
- Dispatcher game icon appears in the header when it fits – making it easier to switch between traffic game and loud passenger information
- Android: fixed app crash when rotating screen
Version 5.2 (Android, Windows10, iOS)
- Alertness indicator
- New accessory: turntable
Version 5.1 (Android, Windows10)
- New function icons
- In CV programming the “Direct” text has been changed to “PROGRAMMING TRACK” (according to user request)
- Optimize performance: replace images with FontIcons
Version 4.5 (Android, Windows10, IOS)
- Dispatcher Game: When KO button is pressed, signals were not switched to red in reality only in app (command was not sent) – fixed
- When you press the multi-light signal, you can select the signal status from a pop-up list
- Signals will turn to red after STOP status when command station returns to normal operation. You can enable this in the Accssory submenu.
- Dispatcher Game: It is only possible to change accessory or set route when the app is connected to the command station and it is in normal operation. You can enable this in the Dispatcher submenu.
- When adding or editing an accesssory, if the accessory type is changed, the status icons are not updated below – fixed
- German language fixes based on user feedback
- Release notes menu can be opened at any time in Main Menu / Miscellaneous
- A new Premium menu has been added to the main menu, where you can subscribe to the Premium version in the future. Free unlimited version is available until the end of April 2020.
Version 4.0 (Android, Windows10, IOS)
- For travel direction buttons, the distinction between current and inactive travel direction is displayed in the same way as the active-inactive status indication used in the functions (gray Background is inactive, blue background is active status)
- On the Android homepage, pressing the double back button will ask you if you want to quit
- There is a slider for model time scaling when it is displayed when the time is paused. Automatic measurement has been removed. The program saves the set size
- New model time font: digital clock style
- If you add a new locomotive / accessory/ route / sensor / dependency, it will no longer be added at the end of the list, but in order
- Locomotive List Submenu New button to display only the locomotives currently moving
- Short list for locomotives: for example, if there are many trains on the list, this list shows what is on the track. Add to Short list: Drag a locomotive to the left in the locomotive library and check the checkbox. Display: press Show short list button in the Locomotive List submenu
- Main Menu changes – in Miscellaneus menu there are new submenus: WEB, Documentation, Facebook link and Email directly
- IOS – in Loco control menu + and – buttons did not work properly – fixed
- IOS – in Accessories, Routes, Sensors and Dependencies menu the submenu button was not visible – fixed
Version 3.91 (Android, Windows10, IOS)
- Model Time: A new feature has been added to the main menu, Model Time. This allows you to display model time for scheduled play at any time with a desired acceleration. How to use it: In the Model Time menu, use the gear icon to set the start time, the rate at which the clock is accelerated (for example: speed 5 means one minute is 12 seconds in model time), then use the play icon to start the clock. If there is a big delay in your scheduled game you can stop the clock with the pause icon at any time. Run it full screen on a device, put it in a prominent place where dispatchers and loco drivers can see the model time! Detailed description at Further improvements coming soon: model time display in dispatcher view, loco driver view, club server synchronization with centralized model time control.
- On Android, the function switched on when scrolling horizontally in the function list – fixed
- A new function icon has been added to the app: weight. For heavy loads, you may define a function with this icon that affects the dynamics of a locomotive.
- When retrieving locomotive information, not only the speed display but also the slider is updated
- Dispatcher game: Section occupancy feedback did not appear on grids with signals
- Dispatcher game: Section occupancy was not visible when loading the layout, only if its status changed after loading – fixed
- Dependencies in some cases did not run properly – fixed
- When editing dependencies, routes or dispatcher game editor drop-down: lists the be shown in the same order as set in the outside menus.
- Search boxes are visible even if there are at least 1 item in the list
- In case of Z21, DR5000, Club server the system status do not update when changed on other device – fixed
- IOS: STOP and direction buttons did not work properly on all devices – fixed
- Dispatcher game is available on IOS devices too
Version 3.85 (IOS)
- First IOS release. Functionality is the same like on Android and Windows10 platforms, except the followings:
- Speed cannot be adjusted with volume buttons
- Dispatcher game is not supported yet. It is under development
Version 3.83 (Android, Windows10)
- The icon in the top right corner will serve as status feedback in the future. No connection, Normal operation, Emergency STOP feedback. Pressing this icon will continue to switch between Normal Operation and Emergency Stop.
- New JMRI setting: new feature to disable the prompt on startup to download a new set of data once everything is set and saved. This option is in the JMRI settings menu
- On narrow screens (for example phones) the dispatcher editor drop downs was hard to use. The layout is changed to two rows if narrow screen used which is now more user friendly.
- Main menu design and logic optimization
- Submenus appear in new popup menu style
- New design for text inputs
- DigiWifi device webpage can be opened from DigiWifi settings menu
- Bug fix: Android phone view: if I press Accessories icon in the header when I am on Loco Library screen or Train Control screen, then empty page shows. If I press Accessories header icon again, then it loads properly
- Bug fix: In General Settings menu: the highlight of default speed unit and step buttons is wrong
Version 3.72
- When you exit the app it does not save your data automatically – the user must press the Save button in main menu to save. This will hopefully prevent the app deleting the profile in case of an app error
- Profile import bug fix on Android 8 and Android 9
- Android back button must be pressed two times in one seconds to quit the app
- New Save & Exit button in main menu. In the future it is suggested to quit the app with this button.
- Release notes after first start
- Bug fix: in the dispatcher game, if you set a track, by selecting the two ends, and while adjusting the switches you hit the endpoint or start point then the app quit
- Improvement: Using a New Plugin for Main Menu for Compatibility reasons
- Bug fix: MÁV Stations speaker was not working correclty
- Bug fix: dtp import error … logging inserted into the import failed window (error message for OneDrive: Root element is missing because it cannot read the file)
- Bug fix: dispatcher game horizontal scroll does not work
- Bug fix: dispatcher game: empty track icon must be pressed twice on android to change
- Bug fix: on Android the route flashing looks strange
- Bug fix: The starting point of the first track will be selected for dispatcher game after loading
- Bug fix: Phone View – Accessories / Routes change: status not refreshed on disptacher game
Version 3.40
- New accessory features (more addresses, icons, status request)
- Routes
- Sensors, occupancy feedback
- Dependencies
- Dispatcher game
- Signal can be added to station speaker in Text to speech mode
Version 3.30
- Station speaker function with text to speech
- Loco sounds can be used with function buttons
- Display will not sleep when app is foreground
- Drive loco with volume buttons
- Club Server can be used with Roco WlanMaus
Version 3.21
- Club server function
- For simultaneous control of two locomotives (where it is available) the top can be changed in the loco directory by left-sliding and pressing the right-up arrow
- Android JMRI connection program exit bug has been fixed
- Adding a First Locomotive data element the background is too short, the value input field is too short – fixed
- Privacy plicy, contact and documentation link shows a different link depending on the language
- Search box is only active in loco directory and accessory list if you have at least 2 items in the list – less space occupied
- Flag language selector in the main menu
- The Normal Operation icon changed to green
- Locomotives and accessory order can be changed by drag and drop, sort AZ, sort by name
- When sharing a profile, you can name the file
- The search boxes will remember their contents at exit
- DR5000 settings menu web site link and youtube link added
- Email based error reporting
- Autocomplete for new locomotive data entry (name value) and data search
- Autocomplete for locomotion filtering
- Autocomplete for accessory filtering