With CV programming, you can change the properties of your locomotive decoder. The CV programming menu is located in the locomotive settings.
First, set whether to program Direct or POM (Programming On Main) mode. In case of Direct mode, a locomotive on the programming track will be programmed, with separate output on certain digital centers (for example, Z21). Note that all the locomotives on programming track will be programmed. For more details, see your digital center descriptions. For POM, only the locomotive will be programmed with the CV Programming selected in its setup menu.
When writing, enter the title and value of the CV you want to write. The value must be entered decimal, so it can be 0 to 255. After the write if supported by the center, the selected CV is read and if there is a response the CV value box will show the read value blinking once in green. If the reading fails then the CV value field flashes once red. This does not necessarily mean that the writing failed.
When reading, fill in the CV address you want to read and press the Read button. If reading is successful, the CV value box will flash once green and the read value (decimal value) and the bits will be updated. If the reading fails then the CV value field flashes once red.
Bits can be set individually, making it easier to modify bits in a CV.
By pressing the Resume normal oparation button we can set back the command station to normal operation from service mode (it it does not go back automatically).