Loco Control

On this page you can control your chosen locomotive.

Next to the locomotive picture we see its name and address and the button opening the locomotive settings.

You can control the speed using the following buttons: decrease speed with – button, increase speed with +, stop with STOP button or emergency stop the loco by long pressing the STOP button (or you can also use the slider):

The direction of the locomotive can be controlled by the following buttons (reverse, forward). Blue background show the active direction:

Control Functions: From F0 to F28, scroll horizontally to reach all the function buttons. To edit function layout open the function editor in locomotive settings menu.

Alertness indicator: this button is only visible if enabled in the locomotive settings. At the intervals set there (15, 30 or 45 seconds), the alert sound will be played. You can silence this by pressing the button. The alertness signal only sounds when the train is moving. If the button is pressed before the alarm, the timer will restart, so by pressing it regularly we can avoid the alert tone sounding. If the alert sounds and is not switched off within 10 seconds, the train will be stopped automatically.

Below the functions if there is no space to show two locomotives you can see the quick list of the locomotive library. Scroll horizontally to select the desired one.

If there is enough space the app will show two locomotives below each other.